Your feedback

We invite you to join the conversation by giving us your thoughts in the feedback form below.

Share your views

We’re keen to have much input from the local community as possible. We are inviting you to take part and comment on our emerging proposals by filling in the feedback form below. It’s quick and easy to complete. If you prefer, you can also email us with any comments.

Based on the information provided on this website, please tell us how you feel about the new proposals for The Marlborough Building:

What happens in our consultation?

All comments will be reviewed and considered by the Design Team. We will explain how we have responded in a Statement of Community Involvement which will form part of the revised planning submission.

If you would like information about the proposals or would like us to assist you, please contact us by:

Please refer to the Data Privacy Notice on this website for details of how your personal data will be handled.

Contact us

You can call us free of charge on 0800 246 5890.

You can also email us on: